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Special Interest Group

Post-Compulsory and Lifelong Learning

The sector of post-compulsory education and lifelong learning is a wide and diverse one, covering areas such as the study of 14-19 education and training, further and higher education, adult education, informal learning and lifelong learning.

This SIG aims to facilitate and stimulate debate amongst researchers in the field and assist them in communicating their work to inform understanding and to influence post-compulsory and lifelong learning education policy and practice. We also particularly welcome researchers and those interested in research in this sector, who are based in public and private institutions and organisations, beyond higher education institutions.

BERA Post-Compulsory and Lifelong Learning Forum

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Kayte Haselgrove
Kayte Haselgrove, Mrs

Senior Lecturer and Assistant Programme Lead at University of Derby

Kayte Haselgrove taught English and led on teacher training and professional development in further education from 2010–21. She worked for the Education and Training Foundation for six years as a trainer, action research mentor, author and...

Profile picture of Charlotte Marshall
Charlotte Marshall, Mrs

Senior Lecturer at Nottingham Trent University

Charlotte Marshall is a lecturer at Nottingham Trent University where she has recently achieved senior fellow of the Higher Education Authority. Charlotte is a postgraduate of the University of Northampton where her research focuses on level 8...

Content associated with this SIG

10 years of the BERA Blog

This series celebrates one decade of the BERA Blog, as an important and growing space to explore current and varied issues and questions of concern to the education community. To mark this...

Blog Series