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Special Interest Group


A home for those who are passionate about diverse areas of research in history and sharing this with scholars and practitioners within and beyond their community.

The History SIG is invested and engaged in all aspects of history and in forging a community of practitioners and researchers who value history, particularly through its connection to education. We recognise that history is complex and contentious, but is ubiquitous in life and affects people in myriad ways. As a History SIG, we want to promote learning of history, engagement in heritage activities and historical research, and serve as a vehicle for promoting a love of the subject and relevance in out contemporary world.

Research interests 

History is a diverse and complex field and the SIG broadly welcome any interest where there is an association between history and education. Our three principal areas of interest are:

  1. History as a field of study in schools, universities and more informally
  2. The history of education, including teacher education
  3. Material culture and student-led history and heritage activities

SIG aims

Our seven core aims are as follows:

  1. To enhance the status and improve the visibility of history within educational research
  2. To champion the role of history in educational practice
  3. To promote the exchange of knowledge and understanding in the field of historical studies
  4. To create opportunities for academics and practitioners with different levels of knowledge and experience to engage in a community of practice that is inclusive and welcoming of all colleagues and relevant areas of interest
  5. To facilitate learning and knowledge exchange through regular events and activities through the academic year, including, as appropriate, through collaboration with other SIGs
  6. To promote engagement of the History SIG membership in the wider history community, with public discourse and policy consultation
  7. To promote engagement and attendance at the BERA Conference, encouraging and supporting members and non-members with submission of abstracts and posters for the conference

SIG Convenors

Profile picture of Mary Clare Martin
Mary Clare Martin, Dr

Principal Lecturer/Research Lead at University of Greenwich

After my first degree in history at the University of York, I taught EFL in Italy, then after PGCE (primary) taught in the London Borough of Brent. My PhD (Goldsmiths' College, University of London) was on Children and Religion in the 18th and...

Profile picture of Miles Smith
Miles Smith, Mr

Associate Dean of Education at Plymouth Marjon University

I am Associate Dean of Education and Programme Lead for Primary Education BA (Hons) at Plymouth Marjon University. Having worked in the English Language Teaching sector and Primary sector, I have diverse experience of education in both UK and...

Content associated with this SIG

BERJ Early Career Reviewer Scheme: Call for mentors

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is pleased to launch its Early Career Reviewer Scheme that aims to build early career researchers’ capacities in academic peer reviewing. This...

BERJ front cover

Publishing opportunity