Young children relish the opportunity to explore new spaces, especially when unusual and unexpected. A growing body of literature about the value of museums and art to the youngest members of the...
Most readers will now most probably have heard of ChatGPT. For some this word may fill us with hope and anticipation. Others may tremble. Before we describe the potential applications of ChatGPT...
IN THIS SESSION Educational justice through inclusion: Promising practices and hopeful futures Elizabeth Walton1, Sally Elton-Chalcraft2, Deborah Sabric3, Amber Fensham-Smith4, Vini...
12 September 2023 to 14 September 2023Aston University/ Conference Aston
The BERA Conference 2023 was held on the 12th-14th September 2023 at Conference Aston/Aston University. Keynote speakers included: Professor Linda Tuhiwai Smith. The conference ended with three...
In the decade before the first Covid-19 lockdown, the numbers of children deregistered from school to begin home education increased annually (ADCS, 2021). Concomitantly – as noted by Ofsted...
In this blog post, I explore the value of infographics beyond their visual aspect for widening participation students. The post draws on my PhD research, which focuses on the value of infographics...
Dyslexia is a learning difficulty characterised by challenges in reading and spelling despite adequate learning opportunities, and in the absence of other cognitive (such as ADHD) or sensory...
Supported by BERA’s 2022/23 Small Grants Fund, this project sought to understand assessment procedures that professionals across the UK employ to identify students with dyslexia. Through a...
Over the past 40 years the role and identity of the special educational needs co-ordinator (SENCo) in England has changed significantly from the remedial teacher pre 1980s to specialist teacher...
BERA and the British Curriculum Forum (BCF) are currently editing an exciting landmark publication, Curriculum in a changing world: 50 think pieces on education policy, practice, innovation &...
Successfully attending higher education has become increasingly crucial for better work and life prospects. However, disabled students are likely to take longer to complete a degree (OfS, 2020a),...