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Spring 2013

Open Access: The Future of Academic Publishing? A Recipe for the Evolution of Scholarly Publishing Making Sense of Open Access Creating a New Open Access Journal: A case study Academic...

Research Intelligence31 Mar 2013

DfE Review of Evidence in Education

Building evidence into education Dr Ben Goldacre was asked by Education Secretary Michael Gove to examine the role of evidence in the education sector. In a paper presented on 14th March at...

BERA in the news21 Mar 2013

New National Curriculum for England

On 7 February 2013 the Secretary of State for Education announced a public consultation on the draft National Curriculum which will run until 16 April 2013. The consultation also asks for views on...

BERA in the news21 Feb 2013

Sarah Fleming

Membership and Engagement Manager

Sarah Fleming joined BERA in 2014. Her main responsibilities are managing BERA's member services, writing BERA communications and promoting BERA’s work in the wider education community. She...

BERA Staff

The Curriculum Journal

The Curriculum Journal is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes original contributions to the study of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. Papers reporting empirical studies and...

Journals1 Jan 2013

Review of Education

Review of Education is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of major and substantial articles of interest to researchers in education. It is a growing focal point for the...

Journals1 Jan 2013

British Journal of Educational Technology

Since 2010, BERA has been proud to add the very influential British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) to its publications portfolio. BJET provides readers with the widest possible...

Journals1 Jan 2013

British Educational Research Journal

The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) is BERA's flagship journal, and has gone from strength to strength in recent years. Indexed by the Institute of Scientific Information, Philadelphia...

Journals1 Jan 2013

Autumn/Winter 2012

International Datasets and Comparisons in Education Making Best Use of International Comparison Data Data, Data Everywhere…? Comparison as a Governing Technology: The case of PISA Uses and...

Research Intelligence29 Nov 2012

Annual Conference 2012

The BERA Conference 2012 was held on the 4th-6th September 2012 at the University of Manchester. Keynote speakers included: Professor Stephen Heppell, Professor Jean Clandinin, Jon Coles, and...
