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Showing results 6169–6180 of 6382

Promoting educational research

BERA seeks to counterbalance the politicisation of education by carefully presenting the findings of the best in independent and critical research, through our projects, publications, responses to...


Find out more about our range of events taking place across the UK, including seminars, symposia and workshops, as well as our annual international conference

Development of a BERA ‘Observatory’

BERA is looking to develop an educational research ‘Observatory’ which can provide baseline data and information about the activity taking place under the ‘educational research’ banner. It...

News3 Dec 2013

Research and Teacher Education

Research and the Teaching Profession: Building the Capacity for a Self-Improving Education System concludes that teachers across the UK should be supported to become research literate. This...

Completed project


The British Educational Research Association (BERA) is the leading authority on educational research in the UK, supporting and representing the community of scholars, practitioners and everyone...

Autumn/Winter 2013

Diversity, Aspiration and Equality in Education Celebrity and Youth Aspirations: The significance of hard work Diversity, School Exclusion and Inequality Human Rights and Sexual Diversity: In...

Research Intelligence20 Nov 2013

The BERA Charter for Research Staff in Education

The BERA Charter for Research Staff in Education replaces the previous version of the charter, THE 2008 BERA CHARTER FOR RESEARCH STAFF: promoting quality conditions for conducting quality...

Resources for research19 Nov 2013