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Literacy and Language

Supporting the development of languages and literacies in a multilingual world

Special Interest Group

Research Intelligence

Research Intelligence is BERA’s quarterly magazine. It carries announcements and news, as well as articles and features on a variety of issues about educational research. Recent themes have...

Mathematics Education

An inclusive community for conversations about mathematics education research

Special Interest Group

Digital Education

The purpose of the Digital Education SIG is to provide a meeting place for BERA members interested in the application and impact of new technologies in education across both curricular and...

Special Interest Group

Philosophy of Education

The Philosophy of Education SIG supports the development and dissemination of philosophical research in education and its interdisciplinary links.

Special Interest Group

Post-Compulsory and Lifelong Learning

The sector of post-compulsory education and lifelong learning is a wide and diverse one, covering areas such as the study of 14-19 education and training, further and higher education, adult...

Special Interest Group

Arts Based Educational Research

Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) uses ideas, methods, techniques, and processes from the arts to help understand and improve education.

Special Interest Group

BERA Press Coverage to date

Tuesday news stories Pupils having to repeat language lessons Evening Standard The Express Government must tackle causes, not just symptoms, of poverty Yorkshire Post Wednesday...

BERA in the news18 Dec 2013

Special Interest Groups

SIG activities and events take place across the UK and members can be involved by attending SIG meetings and events or through participation in the SIG online communities. The current SIGs...

BERA Journals

The Association is proud to publish a suite of highly regarded and internationally peer-reviewed journals. Access to each of them, and to the European Educational Research Journal, is a benefit...