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BERA Elections notice 2014

BERA COUNCIL POSITIONS AVAILABLE FOR ELECTION IN 2014 There are 2 vacancies on our Council. 1 position elected to the role of Vice President BERA Vice President The Vice President...

News17 Feb 2014

Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan 2021-2026 Our Charitable Objective To encourage the pursuit of educational research and its application for both the improvement of practice and the public benefit. Our...

Social inequality: can schools narrow the gap?

Governments of whatever political persuasion see schools as important in tackling social inequality.  They are universal – almost everybody goes to school – and they are where students study...


BERA publications archive

Please note below the following BERA publications which are no longer available in print.  You can download some of these publications. BERA Occasional Publications Fuzzy Generalisation:...


Race, Ethnicity and Education

The Race, Ethnicity and Education Special Interest Group challenges systems of oppression that demean and threaten to erase educators and learners of Global South heritage, through discussion and...

Special Interest Group

Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy

To encourage and support research and other scholarly activity in the inter-related areas of curriculum, assessment and pedagogy across the 4 nations of the UK and internationally.

Special Interest Group

Research Methodologies

Exploring research methodology to provide ethical, evidence-based research for implementation in educational contexts

Special Interest Group