When Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, claimed during the recent presidential election campaign that his predecessor, President Barack Obama, ‘is the founder’ of...
The proportion of students from disadvantaged backgrounds going to ‘elite’ universities in England has remained worryingly flat in the past decade, despite millions of pounds being invested...
Online registration has now closed. If you want to attend this event, please email events@bera.ac.uk for details of how to register onsite.A series of events over two days which aim to develop...
How young people make choices about university, where and what to study has been a question asked by many social researchers, policy-makers and practitioners alike. Research has shown that when...
Registration online is now closed. However if you would still like to attend this event please email events@bera.ac.uk.The aims of this one-day SIG event are to explore the diverse applications...