REF 2021 Update
Many thanks to those members who self-nominated for the REF panel. As you know, BERA Council established a small group led by Professor John Leach with the support of Professor Margaret...
Showing results 5521–5532 of 6752
Many thanks to those members who self-nominated for the REF panel. As you know, BERA Council established a small group led by Professor John Leach with the support of Professor Margaret...
BERA is please to announce that the abstract submission has now opened for the BERA Conference 2018 to be held at Northumbria University, 11th-13th September 2018. SUBMIT/EDIT AN...
We know that parents are given some choice over which school their children can attend. To this end academics, drawing on work by Bourdieu (1990), have explored the habitus and culture of both...
Continue reading blog postAt an ESRC-Palgrave-Springer Festival of Social Science event about social sciences impact, held at the Royal Society on 7 November 2017 (#FossImpact), I asked a question. Before I repeat this...
Continue reading blog postAs teacher educators we have found ourselves sharing academic, developmental and philosophical interests and recently we have found a further shared dimension: that of the life, work and legacy of...
Continue reading blog postWhile the demise of 2017 will generate little tear-shedding amongst many of our readers, it has been another bumper year for the BERA Blog. Just over two-and-a-half years after its inception, the...
Continue reading blog postWe live in interesting times. We see global social media campaigns such as #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter and #illRideWithYou responding to social, economic and political injustices, while on the other...
Continue reading blog postSchools are institutions in which racial conflict is brought into focus and can be acute. Gillborn (2008) asserts that current education policy is not designed to eliminate race inequality, but to...
Continue reading blog postToday’s educational policy is co-produced, through policy bureaucrat’s words and technocrat’s lines of code. The global move towards digital governance and the digitising of educational...
Continue reading blog postBERA is dedicated to supporting and promoting teacher research. We believe practitioners, academics and policy makers must collaborate to help shape a future curriculum in schools. As part of...
The Prevent duty (2009, 2011, 2015) is a statutory requirement upon all educational professionals to have due regard to prevent individuals being drawn into terrorism. Criticisms of the Prevent...
Continue reading blog postWhy is identity problematic for teacher educators? Identity transformation for early-career teacher educators has been shown to be problematic in the move from ‘expert teacher’ to ‘novice...
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