KO AHAU TE AWA KO TE AWA KO AHAU I AM THE RIVER, AND THE RIVER IS ME Pleasurable experiences in nature can lead to the development of a positive attitude and active engagement with the natural...
Online registration for this event has now closed, to register please email events@bera.ac.uk #BERA_Prevent&Extremism @BERANews Current initiatives in counter-terrorism, the fear of...
Current initiatives in counter-terrorism, the fear of extremism in education and the requirement for schools to promote fundamental British values have generated significant issues in relation to...
If you are interested in becoming a Religion Values and Education convenor and joining Prof Sally Elton-Chalcraft to lead the Religions and Values SIG please submit an expression of interest...
I have a certain disquiet about the way we in higher education so often relate success and failure to the attainment or otherwise of goals. This focus on goals is present at all levels of...
To date, Covid-19 has not only highlighted the interconnectedness of societies and individuals, but also that educational endeavours privileging the cultivation of particular human qualities...
Much has been written about the tendency to narrow the curriculum to focus on what counts in measurable terms in testing times. This effect is felt most acutely in schools servicing disadvantaged...
The tragic events in Minnesota with the death of George Floyd have given rise to mass waves of protest around the world, setting at the forefront of public debate the workings of racism,...
The Commission on Religious Education (CoRE) proposes a statutory change of the name for the subject religious education (RE), into ‘Religion and Worldviews’ in all publicly funded schools...
Citizenship education is intended to foster civic and political participation by encouraging students to critically reflect on and challenge established attitudes, values and behaviours (Niens,...
The ideas presented in this blog were developed in dialogue with a number of English sexuality education organizations, including acetUK, It Happens, Susie March, Think for Yourself, Teaching...
The sickening death of African-American George Floyd by suffocation at the hands of a White-American policeman has justifiably fuelled the force of the #BlackLivesMatter movement across the world....