A balloon depicting President Donald Trump in the guise of a baby was inflated in Parliament Square in London on 13 July 2018. As the central image of the street protests during Trump’s visit to...
This date has been changed from the 30 November 2022. This event will provide an update on the report, and will be critiqued by a respondent. Delegates will also have the opportunity to ask...
This study surveyed ethnicity across staff working in maintained nursery schools (MNSs) in England. The project aimed to gather a robust quantitative dataset to address the following...
Practices of initial teacher education (ITE) are inevitably impacted by a range of influential discourses, including those endorsed by central government and those emerging from the values,...
In this blog post, Mona Sakr and Shaddai Tembo recap key points from their recent BERA event on race and ethnicity in the early years workforce in maintained nursery schools in England. As part...
BERA is funding six new small grants in 2022/23 under the title “Learning for all”. These grants support projects which examine educational provision in its widest sense that seeks to provide...
Workforce statistics in the field of early years education and childcare (EYEC) are frequently tendered as proof of how the UK system of nursery recruitment and retention is flawed, failing or...
During the process of undertaking doctoral research, it is important to acknowledge the research journey and emphasise your rationale for conducting that specific research project. This relates to...
Early childhood education and care (ECEC) has developed to meet different aims to encourage children’s holistic development; embed attitudes consistent with lifelong learning; facilitate...
In my doctoral research I focus on alternative outdoor early childhood provision in Scotland. I foreground a sociomaterial approach to understand how young children’s subjectivity, related to...
Imagine a classroom of four-to-five-year-old children designing and co-creating their classroom spaces. They are not passive recipients of the spaces created for them, but architects, product...