Abstracts by Parallel Session
Parallel Session 1 Parallel Session 2 Parallel Session 3 Parallel Session 4 Parallel Session 5 Parallel Session 6 Parallel Session 7 Parallel Session 8
Showing results 4669–4680 of 6613
Parallel Session 1 Parallel Session 2 Parallel Session 3 Parallel Session 4 Parallel Session 5 Parallel Session 6 Parallel Session 7 Parallel Session 8
Spotlight Session: Joint AARE/BERA - Policy and practice in teacher education - the UK and Australia Convenor and Chair: Menter, Ian – University of Oxford Discussant: Mills,...
Wednesday 16th September 2015 15.45 – 17.15 5.21 Sexualities Session Type: Symposia 0503 - Gender, Sexuality and Young People: After No Outsiders Phillips, Michael -...
Alternative Education Arts Based Educational Research Comparative and International Education Creativity in Education Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy Early Childhood Education and...
Spotlight Session: Joint AARE/BERA - Policy and practice in teacher education - the UK and Australia Chair: Reynolds, Kate - Bath Spa University Convenors: Whitty, Geoff - Bath...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 11.30 – 13.00 1.22 Social Justice Session Type: Individual Papers Unequal Access To Higher Education? Chair: Toogood, Aaron - De Montfort...
Geert Kelchtermans studied philosophy and educational sciences at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven, Belgium), where he now chairs the Center for Innovation and the Development of Teacher and...
Wednesday 16th September 2015 13:30 - 15:00 4.01 Alternative Education Session Type: Individual Papers Making a difference? Chair: Hughes, Gill - University of Hull 0121 -...
Spotlight Session: NZARE Chair: Mutch, Carol - The University of Auckland Preparing schools for the unexpected: Lessons from the 2011 New Zealand earthquakes Miles, Jason -...
Thursday 17th September 2015 12.15 – 13.15 7.19 Social Theory and Education Session Type: Individual Papers Rethinking student achievement and disability Chair: Wilkins, Andrew...
Gemma Moss is Professor at the University of Bristol. She has been a member of BERA Council since 2010, and before that was convenor of the BERA SIG, Educational Research and Educational...
Tuesday 15th September 2015 15.45 - 17.15 2.01 Arts Based Educational Research Session Type: Individual Papers Performing Play, Narrating Grief, Drawing forth Voice: stimulating...