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Natia Sopromadze

Postdoctoral Research Assistant

Dr Natia Sopromadze is a postdoctoral research assistant at the Faculty of Science and Engineering at the University of Wolverhampton. She graduated from the University of Warwick with a PhD in...


Open Access

Here is the place to find briefings and information as well as BERA's public statements on open access developments. BERA continues to monitor developments around Plan S and open access. Our...

Ongoing project

Mayamin Altae

Mayamin Altae has been an English language teacher for more than 15 years, working in schools and classrooms in the UK and the Middle East. She has worked alongside fellow teachers and teacher...


Stephanie Wilson

Stephanie Wilson works with the educational innovation in business team at the University of Sydney Business School, where, as academic lead (teaching practice), she is responsible for the...


Pippa Yeoman

Pippa Yeoman is an ethnographer of socio‐technical innovations in learning who has conducted over 1,000 hours of observational research in innovative learning environments in school and...


Autumn 2019

New perspectives on international, intercultural and global education

Research Intelligence23 Aug 2019