Since the inception of international comparative tests in the 1960s, Japanese students, like most students around east Asia, have consistently outscored their Anglo-American peers (that is, the...
Fifty years after Stanley Kubrick introduced cinemagoers to HAL9000, the prospect of a robot-infused world still feels more science fiction than social fact. Yet robots are steadily beginning to...
For over a decade, all children in England have been entitled to free government-funded early education and care from the term after they turn three. One of the aims of this policy is to close the...
In a recent, very well-written blog, Professor Alice Sullivan argues that it is high time for UK education journals to abandon the practice of viewing the fact that a paper has been circulated as...
This report sets out the case against the government’s proposal to use a baseline assessment test of pupils in reception to hold schools in England to account for the progress that those pupils...
‘Evidence-based teaching’ is one of those feelgood phrases (think ‘school improvement’, ‘leadership’, ‘standards’) that it seems churlish to oppose. All the more important, then,...
This extensively revised, expanded and updated fourth edition of BERA's Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research is designed to support educational researchers in conducting research to the...
CALL FOR PROPOSALS Deadline 4th May 2018 This exciting joint conference (with the University of Worcester and the BERA Comparative and International Education SIG) entitled ‘Global...
Dave and I met in 2004 when we both moved from teaching to become senior lecturers. We also embarked on our doctorates at the same time, and ended up keeping close company during our studies. The...
External provision is developing as a trend in schools worldwide, and physical education is no exception to this trend – see for instance New Zealand (Dyson et al 2016), the UK (Griggs 2010,...
Academics’ reputations – certainly those beyond their own students and colleagues – are largely determined by how others judge their research reports and other scholarly writing. So it is...
This blog reports on the BERA event, ‘Ethics and Educational Leadership Research’, held at the Open University, Milton Keynes, on 28 March 2018. Carol Azumah Dennis’s keynote focussed on the...