Showing results 301–309 of 309
Is it any wonder that there is discussion about the structure of such programmes and what works best for those concerned? What is a doctoral programme? An advanced study of a defined topic? A...
Geraldine Davis
This research (for the British Academy/Leverhulme) set out to gather evidence on the effects of the National Student Survey (NSS) ten years after its introduction. The effects of the survey go...
Jo Frankham
It came as no surprise when I encountered a synthesis of 89 papers on research methods education in the social sciences including education (Earley, 2014) which found that students taking research...
John Issitt
Creating opportunities for individual teachers to work together for professional development is a common ambition in schools in England. Mentoring forms a critical learning resource for both...
Rachel Lofthouse
Registration online is now closed. However if you would still like to attend this event please email This joint BERA SIG event provides the opportunity to learn how...
Past event8 May 2015
The Higher Education Academy (HEA, 2013) published research on Rebalancing promotion in the HE sector: is teaching excellence being rewarded? is appropriately authored by academics from...
James Derounian
The Higher Education SIG are currently looking to recruit another convenor. The Higher Education SIG is quite large and always receives a large number of submissions for conference. This year it...
All things higher education research, policy, and practice.
Special Interest Group
Final report of the BERA–UCET Working Group on Education Research