Showing results 277–288 of 310
This blog considers something that we all share – memories of reading literature – but its purpose is to promote and defend the place of egalitarian approaches to literature teaching in...
Andy Goodwyn
Like so many of us, I became a teacher because I love my subject and wanted to inspire the same love in my students (a sentiment repeated every year in advertising for teacher training). I most...
Katja Hiltunen
This article is part of the BERA Blog special issue ‘Researching the Curriculum in schools and colleges: Practice, Professionalism and Innovation’ (read more). Danielle Pée’s BERA blog...
Alison Fox
Providing opportunities for young people leaving compulsory schooling to pursue world-class further and higher education is a global concern. Post-compulsory education is constructed as a panacea...
Kate Hoskins
In this blog I summarise key evidence from Stonewall’s latest School Report (Bradlow et al, 2017), a study of over 3,700 lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) young people across Britain aged...
Jonathan Glazzard
A child puts a question in an anonymous box. What happens next? In 2017, Justine Greening, former secretary of state for education, announced that relationships and sex education (RSE) would be...
Neela Doležalová
This blog draws on an important piece of research published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in England in 2015: Making the Best use of Teaching Assistants (Sharples, Webster and...
Jonathan Glazzard
One of the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations (UN) in 2000 concerns achieving universal primary education (United Nations, 2015b). Since then, systemic changes have been...
Schools are institutions in which racial conflict is brought into focus and can be acute. Gillborn (2008) asserts that current education policy is not designed to eliminate race inequality, but to...
Andrew Ryder
The Prevent duty (2009, 2011, 2015) is a statutory requirement upon all educational professionals to have due regard to prevent individuals being drawn into terrorism. Criticisms of the Prevent...
Anna Lockley-Scott
I have been interested in the educational achievement of white working class students since the late 1970’s when teaching in very deprived parts of south London, left me feeling that something...
Mary-Clare Travers
While we know that educational inequalities, often associated with social and economic disadvantage in general and with living in poverty in particular, impact on academic attainment (Cooper &...
ML White