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Marlon Moncrieffe

Marlon has made a leading contribution to research and knowledge dissemination on ‘decolonising curriculum knowledge’. He has led multiple international research projects, has presented...

BERA Council

Erica Joslyn

Erica Joslyn is Dean of the School of Psychology and Education at the University of Suffolk. Erica holds undergraduate and masters degrees in Social Policy and a PhD in Public Policy and...

BERA Council

Rachel Lofthouse

Rachel Lofthouse is Professor of Teacher Education at the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University, where she has established ‘CollectivED: the Centre for Coaching, Mentoring,...


Brian Street

Professor Emeritus of Language Education

Brian was a professor emeritus of language education at King’s College London and visiting professor at the Graduate School of Education in University of Pennsylvania. He mainly worked on...

John Nisbet Award Winner

Ian Potter

Ian Potter is an experienced system leader in education in England with a career as a school leader, school improvement adviser and executive leadership of a multi-academy trust. He has worked in...


Sara Delamont

Sara Delamont was born near Southampton in 1947. She read Social Anthropology at Girton Colleges Cambridge, and did a PhD in Education at Edinburgh. The thesis was an ethnography of ‘St...

John Nisbet Award Winner

Joyce Kim

Joyce Kim was awarded the 2019 BERA Masters Dissertation Award for her thesis Contested Cosmopolitanisms: A Comparative Case Study of Student Experiences and Identities Within Internationalizing...

BERA Masters Dissertation Award Winner

Ross Fulton

Publications Manager

Ross joined BERA as Publications Manager in November 2017 to oversee the Association’s four peer-reviewed journals, our member’s magazine Research Intelligence, the BERA Blog and our website;...

BERA Staff

David Chatterjee

Finance and Governance Manager

I am BERA's Finance and Governance Manager. Contact me via David joined BERA as Finance and Administration Officer in April 2017, before moving into the role of Finance and...

BERA Staff

Marie Moore

Events Manager

Marie manages the Annual Conference, as well as other BERA events run throughout the year include the SIG events. Working as a Project Manager at the PCO in her previous role, Marie managed a full...

BERA Staff

Nick Johnson

Chief Executive Officer

Nick has been the Chief Executive Officer at BERA since April 2012. He has a considerable background of management and advising on strategic direction in organisations concerned with public...

Headshot Nick Johnson

BERA Staff

Sarah Fleming

Membership and Engagement Manager

Sarah Fleming joined BERA in 2014. Her main responsibilities are managing BERA's member services, writing BERA communications and promoting BERA’s work in the wider education community. She...

BERA Staff