Sarah Cobbe
Sarah Cobbe is an education researcher/practitioner in the field of autism and recently completed her PhD at the University of Leeds. Her thesis explored the self-efficacy beliefs and inclusive...
Showing results 2197–2208 of 6624
Sarah Cobbe is an education researcher/practitioner in the field of autism and recently completed her PhD at the University of Leeds. Her thesis explored the self-efficacy beliefs and inclusive...
Mrs R Tharani Ramasamy, Ms Hema Letchamanan Taylor's University, Subang Jaya, Malaysia Accentuation on the significance of instruction, particularly literacy skills among children since the...
Irham Irham is a PhD researcher at Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Institute of Education and a research member of International and Comparative Education at the Universiti Brunei Darussalam. He earned a...
Individual papers presented under the theme Teacher Education and Development Chair: Lorna Hamilton IN THIS SESSION Communities of Learning for shared professional learning and...
BERA aims to celebrate and promote the work of our Early Career Researcher Network. We are presenting a prize to the best Early Career researcher presentation at this year’s conference. The top...
The BERA Conference 2022 was held at the University of Liverpool, 6-8 September 2022. Attended by over 700 delegates, we welcomed back delegates after a 2 year break due to Covid-19. The...
Dr Yuwei Xu1, Dr Rachel Sandford2 1 University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom. 2 Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom The BERA Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network...
Individual papers presented under the theme Sexualities and Gender Chair: Richard Harris IN THIS SESSION An examination of LGBTQ+ students’ lived experiences in secondary schools Prof...
Professor Gemma Moss1, Dr Una O'Connor Bones2, Professor Siân Bayne3, Professor David James4, Professor Emeritus Ken Jones5, Professor Sally Power4 1 UCL Institute of Education, London, United...
Individual papers presented under the theme Higher Education Chair: Nicky Dulfer IN THIS SESSION A Reflection into the Impact of an Internationalisation Experience Via Digital Platform, Based...
Rachel C. Boyle is the Dean of Education at the Carnegie School of Education, Leeds Beckett University. She is the first woman of colour to be appointed as a Dean in the university’s history....
Chair: Dominic Wyse IN THIS SESSION Education is in a State: Exploration of In/Equalities Shown in Statistical Data of Academic Staffing in UK Higher Education Dr Dina Zoe Belluigi1, Prof...