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Showing results 2065–2076 of 2225

Mark Evans

Mark Evans is professor emeritus, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada. His work focusses primarily on...


Márta Fülöp

Márta Fülöp is scientific consultant and head of the Social and Cultural Psychology Research Group in the Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology of the Hungarian Academy of...


Dina Kiwan

Dina Kiwan is professor in comparative education, University of Birmingham, UK. She is a member of the Leverhulme Trust International Network, ‘Youth activism, engagement and the development of...


Andrew Peterson

University of Birmingham

Andrew Peterson is Professor of Character and Citizenship Education and Deputy Director of the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues, School of Education, University of Birmingham, UK. In broad...


Jasmine B.-Y. Sim

Jasmine B.-Y. Sim is associate professor in the Curriculum Teaching and Learning Academic Group, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She received her PhD...


Armend Tahirsylaj

Armend Tahirsylaj is an associate professor of education at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). His research spans a number of domains, including curriculum theory and...


Ninni Wahlström

Ninni Wahlström is professor of education at Linnaeus University, Sweden. Her current research focusses on transnational and national policy discourses and their implications for national...


Sheine Peart


Sheine Peart is an Associate Professor in Access, Equality and Inclusion and is programme leader for the doctor of education. Her research interests include social justice and inclusion; and...


Vicky Duckworth

Reader in Education

Vicky’s research and teaching spans over two decades, in this time she has developed a national and International reputation for research in Intergenerational Education and Literacy. As such,...


Mark Murphy

Reader in Education and Public Policy

Mark Murphy is Reader in Education & Public Policy, University of Glasgow. He has published widely in the field of social theory and applied research, with recent books including Habermas and...


Andrew Wilkins


Andrew Wilkins is Reader in Education and REF Impact Coordinator for UoA 23 Education in the Cass School of Education and Communities at the University of East London where he teaches research...


Mabel Encinas

Senior Lecturer in Education

Mabel has a strong commitment and passion for equality, diversity, and social inclusion. She is a Senior Lecturer in Education at London Metropolitan University. Her research focuses on creative...
