It is known that, over recent decades, societies around the world have witnessed drastic transformations that have affected various facets of people’s lives. These changes have created...
In this blog I summarise key evidence from Stonewall’s latest School Report (Bradlow et al, 2017), a study of over 3,700 lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) young people across Britain aged...
On 18 May 2016, a review of education and training in prisons by Dame Sally Coates praised the work of many prison educators, yet its recommendations infer that many of their practices are...
This blog draws on an important piece of research published by the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) in England in 2015: Making the Best use of Teaching Assistants (Sharples, Webster and...
One of the Millennium Development Goals set by the United Nations (UN) in 2000 concerns achieving universal primary education (United Nations, 2015b). Since then, systemic changes have been...
We know that parents are given some choice over which school their children can attend. To this end academics, drawing on work by Bourdieu (1990), have explored the habitus and culture of both...
Schools are institutions in which racial conflict is brought into focus and can be acute. Gillborn (2008) asserts that current education policy is not designed to eliminate race inequality, but to...
Across the world, schools are becoming more inclusive. This means that they are expected to enable the full participation and academic achievement of diverse students, many of whom may have... ‘All children and young people have the right to rest, leisure, play and recreation and to take part in cultural and artistic...
National inclusive policies are shaped by a complex mixture of social, economic, political and historical concerns, formed within shifting local, national and international landscapes. This...
I had such a homogenous schooling [in a private school] and I think that gave me a terribly blinkered view of society which I’m hoping that I’ve shrugged off some of it, but I don't think you...
How young people make choices about university, where and what to study has been a question asked by many social researchers, policy-makers and practitioners alike. Research has shown that when...