Showing results 1873–1884 of 6629
On 25 May 2022, Plymouth Institute of Education ran an international webinar, ‘Matters of “access” and “disability”: exploring and affecting systemic and cultural change in and for...
This special issue of the BERA Blog aims to push higher education towards a new ecology that embraces the values and voices of disabled students, and places inclusion and equity at the forefront...
Blog Special Issues
Amber Barnitt is a course leader in Teacher Education. She has previously taught GCSE maths in a further education college.
Це четверте видання Етичних принципів досліджень у галузі освіти Британської асоціації дослідників...
Resources for research13 Jan 2023
What does disability activism reveal about higher education? In this blog post, we argue that activism as practised by disabled students exposes and challenges the workings of neoliberalism in...
Christina Turner is a Senior Lecturer (PGCE Maths Tutor) at Leeds Trinity University. She is also a Lead Maths Specialist for White Rose Maths. Christina has taught maths in secondary schools for...
Henry is a teacher/researcher and experienced Mathematics specialist. His first foray into practitioner research was in a role where he conducted Action Research to investigate how students used...
Covid-19 resulted in a major interruption to routine assessment custom and practice in higher education. This interruption has placed higher education providers (HEPs) at a crossroads where they...
Jack Bryne Stothard is a Senior Lecturer in Postgraduate Studies, Assistant Programme Leader for the Doctorate of Education, Teacher Education Research and Innovation Cluster lead and Ethics...
Lis Bundock is a principal lecturer in education at the School of Education, the University of Brighton. She has a strong interest in inequalities in education, in particular LGBTQ+ lives and...
I am a PhD student at the Open University and a lecturer at Anglia Ruskin University London. My PhD research looks at how infants and young children encounter gender in Early Childhood Education...
Kim Snider (she/her) is a doctoral student at the Faculty of Education and Social Work at the University of Auckland. Her research focuses on queer and trans-affirming pedagogical practices in the...