Augmented reality (AR) books offer new opportunities for interaction and engagement, augmenting a traditional paper book with digital features such as animations, sounds and graphics to provide a...
When and where do adults read? For how long at a time? Answers to these questions might be helpful in finding ways for more adults to incorporate reading for pleasure into their busy everyday...
Research has found adolescence (specifically 12–16 years old) to be associated with declines in reading motivation, enjoyment, attitude, frequency and engagement (see for example Clark, 2019)....
What children say about books: 'I can drain all my emotions out on the book, so if I’ve had a hard day, I can just read’ ‘It’s quite nice to sort of feel like you’re sort of letting go...
Adolescence is a significant period of identity development and social exploration, and narrative fiction can help adolescent readers to explore personally meaningful content (Picton & Clark,...
Primary school curricula across the UK highlight the importance of reading for pleasure, for example: ‘The National Curriculum for England aims to ensure that all pupils: develop the habit of...
This seminar provided an opportunity to hear from contributing authors to the recently published Special Issue of The Curriculum Journal, decolonial and anti-racist perspectives in teacher...
This seminar will provide an opportunity to hear from contributing authors to the recently published Special Issue of The Curriculum Journal, decolonial and anti-racist perspectives in teacher...
Nicola Currie is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently working on the Leverhulme Trust Reading and Wellbeing project, exploring readers’ perceptions of...
Heidi joined the BERA team in May 2023, providing administrative support to the association. Heidi's previous career in teaching spanned more than twenty years. She taught throughout the primary...
We used an umbrella theme of ‘Beyond ‘Navel Gazing’ (Tummons 2007): Autoethnography as a Catalyst for Change’ to anchor all activities during the next year. This theme is flexible and...