In the latest issue of the British Educational Research Journal, Allen and Allnutt (2017) assess, using longitudinal data, the impact of Teach First teachers on secondary pupils’ outcomes. ...
In a recent study (Prytz 2017), I show that a standard narrative about Swedish school governance in the 20th century does not fit how the school subject mathematics (years 1–9) was governed in...
The growing use of data in education has both been lauded as a revolution and criticized as detrimental to teachers and children; no wonder then that it is increasingly a focus for educational...
In view of the current popularity of educational research, it's easy to forget that this field of study has only gained academic approval relatively recently. In 1982 I tried to register with...
When Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America, claimed during the recent presidential election campaign that his predecessor, President Barack Obama, ‘is the founder’ of...
Teacher leadership is a term which is increasingly being used in Scottish educational policy and the Scottish College for Educational Leadership (SCEL) has been tasked with supporting the...
This blog explores some of the key findings from the book ‘Leading in Early Childhood’, by Geraldine Davis, Anglia Ruskin University and Gemma Ryder, University of East London. Our research...
2016 is a great time to review the state of educational leadership research and reflect on firstly, what are the key contemporary issues and secondly, how best to research them. Educational...
One of the features of the school improvement landscape over the past two decades has been a focus on developing school leadership and how this leadership is used to empower teachers in the quest...
I read Ian Potter’s blog post ‘Can we learn together?’ with interest having spoken to him at Belmas back in the Summer, on some of these issues. As a secondary school teacher who has worked...
I wrote this whilst at BERA conference in Belfast and pondered the extent to which we can deepen the links between the school system and HEIs in England. From a school leader perspective I see a...
The concept of ‘teacher agency’ has elicited a fair amount of attention recently, including a special edition of Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. And yet, it remains an elusive...