IN THIS SESSION LEANS Champions: A pilot programme to train neurodiversity educator-experts across nations and professional roles Alyssa Alcorn1, Aileen Shrimpton2, Sarah McGeown1, Dinah...
IN THIS SESSION Child-led research methodologies and children’s rights: Moving beyond the state of the art Carol Robinson1, Dawn Mannay3, Kate Wall4 1Edge Hill University, United Kingdom....
IN THIS SESSION Promoting oral language development in Early Years settings – an exploration of current practice Christine Jack1, Emily Preston1, Elaine Ashton1, Kate Conn1, Carolyn...
IN THIS SESSION Teaching difficult knowledge exploring UCLs eugenics history and the implications for educational development in higher education Helen Knowler, Tor Wright UCL, United...
IN THIS SESSION Cognitive Science in Education: Teachers' Priorities for Research Lisa-Maria Müller, Victoria Cook Chartered College of Teaching, United Kingdom
IN THIS SESSION Do participants in widening participation outreach programmes in England progress to high-tariff universities at a higher rate than would otherwise be expected Paul...
Darragh Woods is an MSc Learning and Teaching student at the University of Oxford and a full-time teacher of Geography at a secondary school in London. Darragh holds a PGCE in Geography with...
IN THIS SESSION Diversity in Unity: nurturing anti-racist habits in play through Froebelian pedagogies Shaddai Tembo1, Simon Bateson2 1 Bath Spa University, United...
Tuba Umm Ul Khair Rizwan was born with hearing and speech disability in the United Arab Emirates. Having completed her GCSEs with the continuous support of private tutors, she has studied business...
IN THIS SESSION Decolonising the English Language Teaching Curriculum: liminality and troublesome knowledge through a Global North-South Virtual Exchange Marina Orsini-Jones1, Carlos...
IN THIS SESSION Enabling and sustaining curriculum innovation: supporting teachers in embedding a Project Based Learning approach into the Further Education BTEC curriculum Fei Wan...