This blog post addresses the issue that, if the school curriculum is believed to be a robust framework for the learner to make sense of their world, then the General Certification of School...
Tony Burner is Professor of English Education, working within teacher education and language studies. He has experience as a teacher of English, Norwegian and Social Studies in Norway. His...
Christian Carlsen is Associate Professor in English, working within teacher education and language studies. He holds a BEd in education, and an MA and PhD in literature. He has experience as a...
The Russell Group (2023) recently published five guiding principles in advocating artificial intelligence (AI) usage in higher education. The document uses the ‘ethical use of generative AI’...
The opportunity BERA is seeking a team of editors to take on the editorship of Review of Education from the start of 2024. Review of Education was launched in 2013 and has rapidly become a...
This podcast is the sixth and final instalment in the series commissioned by the Research Methodology in Education Special Interest Group to showcase the variety of methodologies and methods being...
IN THIS SESSION From tiny acorns: a co-produced research project between Chinese teacher researchers and UK-based international initial teacher training academics Elizabeth...
IN THIS SESSION Challenging the status quo from inside teacher education: a chain reaction conversation offering new perspectives from across the UK Rachel Lofthouse1, Anna Beck2, Andrew James...
IN THIS SESSION How can the implementation of heritage skills workshops have a positive sustainable impact on individual and community wellbeing? Alison Whelan, Bruce...
IN THIS SESSION The Mindful Movement Programme: A martial-art inspired approach for enhancing state and trait self-esteem Harriett Moore, Scott Buckler Holy Trinity School, United Kingdom