Showing results 121–126 of 126
This series, hosted by Homerton College and the Faculty of Education, aims to bring new insights to often well-rehearsed and polarized debates from different fields and disciplines about what...
Past event30 May 2016
The BERA SIG: Post-Compulsory Education and Lifelong Learning has held a number of runs of events in the last year or two and I’ve enjoyed being able to make a small number of the London ones....
Tara Furlong
Registration online is now closed. However if you would still like to attend this event please email by ASPE, this one day seminar is the third in the ASPE...
Past event19 Jun 2015
This fifth annual research symposium is collaboratively organised by UKLA and BERA Target audience: Researchers, policy makers, teacher educators, teachers and teaching assistants working with...
Past event5 Mar 2015
Educating for Creativity: From what is to what might be Delivered by Professor Sir Ken Robinson PhD Policy statements on education reform routinely mention the importance of developing...
Past event5 Mar 2015
Exploring and promoting creativity in education
Special Interest Group