Story crafting a picture of me
In this blog post we share learning from research into a collaborative community-based project led by Prism Arts, a charity with the vision of ‘Art without Barriers’. Their mission is to...
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In this blog post we share learning from research into a collaborative community-based project led by Prism Arts, a charity with the vision of ‘Art without Barriers’. Their mission is to...
Continue reading blog postIn 1976 Stevie Wonder sang ‘Music is a world within itself with a language we all understand’. Is this not true? And if so, why is there a widening disconnect between this view and how the...
Continue reading blog postThe shift in education to digitisation has increased the need for adaptability and innovation (Ayoub et al., 2023). This pivot is deeply intertwined with the metamorphosis of higher education...
Continue reading blog postConferences represent one of the most valuable opportunities to disseminate research, giving ECRs the chance to present their work to a varied audience and to ask and answer questions. The aim of...
Di is a PhD candidate at the School of Education of Durham University. Within the domain of education, Di has a background in both Early Childhood Education and Drama and Theatre Education. She...
Conferences represent one of the most valuable opportunities to disseminate research, giving ECRs the chance to present their work to a varied audience and to ask and answer questions. The aim of...
Dr Jane Dudman is Creative Director for Prism Arts, working across the visual art programmes. She is an artist, curator and researcher, with a PhD in Fine Art and Digital Media from Newcastle...
BERA SIG for School Effectiveness and Improvement invites school leaders, educational researchers, education policy makers and interested stakeholders to a twilight online panel discussion on...
The BERA SIG for School Effectiveness and Improvement invited school leaders, educational researchers, education policy makers and interested stakeholders to a twilight online panel discussion on...
Anna is Research Fellow for the Centre for Innovation and Research in Wellbeing (CIRW) and a Doctoral Researcher, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) through the South East...
Dr Ben Lohmeyer is a youth sociologist and youth worker. He is a lecturer in Social Work (Youth) in the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work at Flinders University of South Australia....