While the right to education is guaranteed under the Irish constitution (Kennedy & Smyth, 2018) educational inequality is a continuing feature within the education system (Cahill, 2020). On...
This case study considers the ethical issues that can arise when conducting participatory research with young people. It highlights the nuanced nature of participation preferences and the ethical...
Join the Alternative Education SIG annual meeting to network with colleagues, learn about the activities of the SIG over the last year and plans for 2023 This meeting will be hosted online,...
Online registration has now closed for this event, please email events@bera.ac.uk to register. The landscape of Alternative Provision (AP) has increasingly diversified and evolved across the four...
In this interactive seminar, the SIG welcomes Dr Andy Malcolm, Senior Lecturer in the Childhood and Youth Studies (University of Bedfordshire), to share the findings from his recent work on...
In October 2021, the BERA Children and Childhoods special interest group (SIG) organised the webinar Transforming Childhoods’ Relationships, sharing seven doctoral research studies to explore...
Online registration has now closed for this event, please email events@bera.ac.uk to register. #BERA_Transform @BERANews These are unprecedented times. The world is grappling with a...
These are unprecedented times. The world is grappling with a pandemic, huge environmental challenges, racial, social and economic inequalities, democratic deficit and a profound transformation of...
This report considers how educational continuity plans (ECPs) can better support schools in times of crisis, specifically from the perspective of headteachers, whose experiences, challenges and...
The Alternative Education SIG takes the broadest approach to ‘alternative’ that we can. We are interested in all forms of out of school educational provision and with ‘alternative’...