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Research Intelligence

Spring 2025

Research Intelligence issue 162: International comparative education

International comparative education

Research Intelligence issue 162

As universities worldwide strive to enhance student access, participation and success, guest editors Denise Miller, Josephine Gabi and Pallavi Banerjee bring together diverse insights into the philosophies, structures and practices that underpin academic advising and personal tutoring services.

Contributions to this issue:

  • Gavin Farber highlights best practices in academic advising and tutoring international students from enrolment through to graduation

  • Alexandra C. Anton and Miriam Cuccu explore the use of arts-based methods in personal tutoring to stimulate critical reflection on social justice and biases

  • Cynthia Fasola’s contribution on the experiences of early career researchers from ethnically minoritised backgrounds, challenges traditional, hierarchical feedback models in academia

  • Rachael O’Connor proposes a reciprocal mentoring approach to fostering supportive environments for marginalised students

  • Chloe Morgan and Claire Brown addresses the issues experienced by white tutors working with racially minoritised students

  • Focusing on the needs of remote learners, Eleanor St Hilaire’s article examines the challenges encountered by international students in virtual settings

  • Shone Surendran, Sharon Ancy George and Gauri S explore how tutoring frameworks are influenced by Western and Eastern philosophical traditions in the UK and India, respectively

  • Anita Volkert and Donia Keith promote a values-based tutoring model focused on understanding, respect, value, connection and safety

  • An interview with David Grey discusses the potential of AI and educational technologies within advising and tutoring

  • A interview with Oscar van den Wijngaard provides a Dutch perspective on academic advising.

Elsewhere in this issue:

  • Two of BERA’s journals British Educational Research Journal (BERJ) and Curriculum Journal – announce their annual Editors’ Choice Awards, recognising papers published in the 2024 volumes
  • BERA & Kusuma Trust announce winning proposals for the Neurodiversity in Mainstream Schools Grant Programme with funding worth over £160,000
  • David James reports on the latest findings from the BERA Expert Panel on Educational Research Funding
  • We feature the official photos from the BERA AGM and Awards ceremony, which took place on November 2024 
  • In this issue’s book feature, we highlight the winner of the 2024 BERA Educational Research Book of the Year award: Elite Universities and the Making of Privilege edited by Kalwant Bhopal & Martin Myers
  • In the first article for the BERA Teacher Network, Juliana Mandra explores the implications of evidence-informed practice in schools.

Guest Editors

Profile picture of Denise Miller
Denise Miller, Dr

Associate Professor at University of Greenwich

Denise Miller achieved a BA in education from the University of Greenwich. She taught in primary schools for eight years before training to become an educational psychologist. After achieving an MSc in educational psychology from University...

Profile picture of Josephine Gabi
Josephine Gabi, Dr

Reader (Associate Professor) at Manchester Metropolitan University

Josephine Gabi (She/Her/Hers) is a Reader in the School of Education at Manchester Metropolitan University. Grounded in Black feminist thought and antiracist praxis, she is dedicated to challenging disembodied pedagogy in early years education...