Research Intelligence
Autumn 2018

Research Intelligence issue 137: Quality in close-to-practice research
In this special issue, some of the leading figures in close-to-practice research address the relationship between research and practice – seen by some as a defining feature of education as a discipline. While research that originates from the concerns and interests of practitioners, and has demonstrable positive effects in some of the most deprived societal contexts, is clearly necessary, there are more critical views that consider closeness to practice to be as a sign of epistemological weakness in education as a discipline. However, both perspectives recognise the significance
of practice in relation to educational research.
As well as a summary of BERA’s soon-to-be-published Close to Practice research project, the contributors consider a wealth of issues, including:
facilitated action research for early years practitioners
inter-professional lesson study as an approach to close-to-practice research
the role of close-to-practice in curriculum renewal and cross-school improvement capacity
teachers’ use of academic research: The good, the bad and the ugly
the role of schools and school leaders: Close-to-practice research
building capacity for learning through research engagement
that perhaps reflect developments ‘from the ground up’.