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Publication series

Race & Education: BERA Small Grants Fund research reports

This series of reports presents the findings and recommendations of five research projects that have investigated aspects of race and ethnicity across the education sector.

Supported by BERA’s Small Grants Fund (SGF), this work is part of the association’s commitment to address the structural and institutional inequities and unjust power imbalances that affect our members and the wider research community, as set out in our Race Equality Policy. We made five awards, each of which has produced a final report that shares their findings and recommendations for practice, policy and future research endeavours.

The five reports are:

  • Ethnicity & the early years workforce: A census of staff in maintained nursery schools in England, by Mona Sakr, Magdalena Dujczynski & Celina Santos Pinto
  • Strengthening teacher networks: Decolonising secondary school history curricula, by Anna Olsson Rost
  • Race, higher education and special educational needs and disabilities, by Denise Miller
  • Variation in Black students’ conceptions of academic support: A phenomenographic study, by Mike Mimirinis, Annita Ventouris & Elina Wright
  • Envisioning a gold standard: Understanding higher education institutions’ outlook for race equality policies, practices and future initiatives, by Melissa Jogie

Through the SGF, BERA awards funding annually to research on a different, pressing theme each year, with the intention that each project will:

  • make important contributions to the discipline by contributing to and leading current debates
  • develop research capacity by involving postgraduate students and early career researchers
  • receive applications from and involving practitioners and policymakers as well as academic researchers.

2021 Small Grants Fund Recipients

Profile picture of Denise Miller
Denise Miller, Dr

Associate Professor at University of Greenwich

Denise Miller achieved a BA in education from the University of Greenwich. She taught in primary schools for eight years before training to become an educational psychologist. After achieving an MSc in educational psychology from University...

Profile picture of Anna Olsson Rost
Anna Olsson Rost, Dr

Senior Lecturer at Manchester Metropolitan University

Dr Anna Olsson Rost is a senior lecturer on the PGCE Secondary (history) course at Manchester Metropolitan University, and she is also the Programme Lead for the Secondary PGCE Programme. She has a background in teaching history to secondary...

Profile picture of Mona Sakr
Mona Sakr, Dr

Senior Lecturer in Education at Middlesex University

Dr Mona Sakr is Senior Lecturer in Education and Early Childhood. As a researcher in Early Years (EY) provision, she has published extensively on creative, digital and playful pedagogies. Mona’s current research is an exploration of...

Profile picture of Melissa Jogie
Melissa Jogie, Dr

Director of Research Culture, Impact and Early Career Development at University of Roehampton

Melissa is an Early Career Researcher in Education at the University of Roehampton, leading on an institution-wide initiative to develop a research and knowledge exchange culture and citizenship across staff and postgraduate students. In 2021 she...

Profile picture of Mike Mimirinis
Mike Mimirinis, Professor

Associate Professor of Education at University of West London

Mike Mimirinis is an Associate Professor of Education at the University of West London where he leads the doctorate of education (EdD). His research broadly explores variation in the ways students and teachers experience teaching, learning and...

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