Publication series
BERA/SAGE Research Methods

BERA has worked with SAGE to develop high quality research methods books for those studying education and related areas. The first two volumes were launched in 2012 with others following in subsequent years, and we are confident that these books are authoritative and accessible – essential reading for all education students!
For more information please go to the SAGE website where you can purchase and find out about this interesting and informative series.
The books published in this series:
Qualitative Research in Education by Liz Atkins and Susan Wallace (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)
Using Case Study in Education Research by Lorna Whitton and Connie Corbett-Whittier (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)
Action Research in Education by Mary McAteer (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)
Ethnography in Education by David Mills and Missy Morton (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)
Ethics and Education Research by Rachel Brooks, Kitty te Riele and Meg Maguire (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)
Using Randomised Controlled Trials in Education by Paul Connolly, Andy Biggart, Sarah Miller, Liam O’Hare and Allen Thurston (for reviews of the book and sample materials please click here)