Completed project
BERA Research Commission 2015/2017 –Reviewing the Potential and Challenges of Developing STEAM Education

Reviewing the Potential and Challenges of Developing STEAM Education through CreativePedagogies for 21st Century Learning: how can school curricula be broadened towards a more responsive, dynamic and inclusive form of education?’
This proposal is led by Laura Colucci-Gray from the University of Aberdeen and includes a core team of Pam Burnard (University of Cambridge), Richard Davies (Aberystwyth University), Donald Gray (University of Aberdeen): and Jo Trowsdale (University of Warwick). The focus of this commission is to explore, analyze and collate new understandings of science, how these relate and interface with changes in education and how this might enrich current debates. Reconceptualising school science has crucial implications for pedagogic practices. Specifically the commission will explore:
- the changing conceptualization of science and arts, and the implications for science education;
- the relationship between formal school science as it is currently taught and the differential access to science knowledge affecting groups inside and outside schools;
- the potential of arts-based, creative pedagogies to foster inclusive, participatory and interdisciplinary learning in science.