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Taro Komatsu, Professor

Professor at Sophia University

Taro Komatsu is a professor in the Department of Education at Sophia University’s Faculty of Human Sciences. His research explores education policy and administration in developing and post-conflict societies, with a focus on education’s role in social cohesion and peacebuilding. He has extensive experience as an education specialist, having worked with UNESCO in Paris and Sarajevo, the UN Mission in Kosovo, and JICA in Pakistan and Afghanistan. His scholarly contributions have appeared in journals such as Comparative Education Review, Comparative Education, Education Policy Analysis Archives, Research in Comparative and International Education, International Review of Education, and the International Journal of Educational Development. His recent book, Education and Social Cohesion in a Post-Conflict and Divided Nation (Springer), synthesises his two decades of research in this field. He holds an MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), and a PhD in education policy and administration from the University of Minnesota.

Taro Komatsu's contributions