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Tammy Campbell, Dr

Director for Early Years, Inequalities and Wellbeing at Education Policy Institute

Dr Tammy Campbell is Director for Early Years at the EPI. Tammy joined EPI in 2022, while completing a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship based in LSE’s Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion (CASE). She remains a Visiting Senior Fellow at CASE. Her PhD in Quantitative Social Science for Social Policy was awarded in 2016 by the UCL Institute of Education, and she also holds 3 degrees in Policy Analysis and Evaluation, Psychology, and Philosophy. Pre-PhD, Tammy was a Government Social Researcher, in the (then) Department for Children, Schools and Families; before that, she worked with children and young people.

Tammy Campbell's contributions

College of Reviewers

The BERA College of Reviewers is a group comprised of high quality academic reviewers including practitioners and policy makers who draw on research evidence.