Stephan Huber, Professor
Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University Linz
Stephan Huber has been a professor at different universities in various countries in Europe and held honorary professorships in Asia and Australia since 2004. For 12 years, he was vice president of a university of teacher education (head for research and development). He is a member of national education research associations in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Swiss Society for Teacher Education and of evaluation associations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland as well as the European Evaluation Society. He served in different functions at further associations such as AERA, EERA and ICSEI. In 2004, he initiated and since then has organized the World Education Leadership Symposium and Network with a biannual conference with 1000 experts from around 100 countries and a network community of 50.000 persons (WELS.EduLead.net).
Stephan has participated in WERA focal meetings and organized symposia for many years. In 2017, he initiated an academic network to research nationally and internationally education leadership and challenges for and of education, which led to the "World School Leadership Study " as an International Research Network of WERA. Around 60 countries and more than 100 colleagues on all continents participate in this network. Currently, the network prepares the "International Handbook on Governance, Leadership and Management in Education" (Springer) and conducts an international comparative study using a mixed-method approach (https://www.weraonline.org/page/WSLSIRN).
Currently, he holds the Chair of Excellence for Leadership, Quality Management and Innovation, Department for Educational Research at the Linz School of Education, Johannes Kepler University Linz in Austria. Furthermore, he is Head of Leadership of the University of Teacher Education Schwyz and Head of the Institute for the Management and Economics of Education (IBB) of the University of Teacher Education Zug, both in Switzerland, and member of the School of Education at the University of Erfurt (Germany).