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Sarra Boukhari

Doctor of Philosophy, Department of Education at University of Bath

Sarra is a final year PhD candidate at the University of Bath. Her research in Education focuses on the integration of refugee children in national schools. As Sarra come originally from Algeria, she was interested in exploring possible challenges and issues that refugee children coming from Sub-Sahara face in one of the Algerian national schools. The context is very complex on many levels. It massively informs the educational experiences children have and their integration processes. In this research, Sarra has used the concept of LVEP (Living Values Educational Program) alongside Bruner’s idea of constructing the narrative to explore integration processes.

On another level, this has inspired her to work closely on including the LVE in the educational programs that are offered to other refugee children from different backgrounds. Sarra is also working with Bath Welcomes Refugees and Bath STAR Society to help support the learning of refugees in Bath, particularly refugee children.

Sarra Boukhari's contributions