ECR Coffee Hour – Spring
This BERA ECR Network’s coffee hour will give you the opportunity to find out more about the ECR Network and its activities as well as get to know a little more about the team behind it. There...
Regional Rep
Rebekah Ackroyd is the Early Career Researcher Network Regional Rep for the North of England.
Rebekah is a lecturer in education at the University of Cumbria working on postgraduate provision. Her PhD research examined how teachers of Religious Education (RE) construct and promote mutual respect and tolerance. More widely, her research interests include values education, fundamental British values, democracy in education and conflict resolution.
Her current research project examines children and their families ideas on land use.
Before starting her PhD, Rebekah worked as a teacher of RE in the UK and as a learning assistant in a democratic German free school (Freischule). She is currently a primary school governor. As a result, Rebekah is interested in how educational experiences vary between different contexts and enjoys learning about different approaches to education and home education.
As an ECR, Rebekah is keen to encourage greater collaboration and support between ECRs.
This BERA ECR Network’s coffee hour will give you the opportunity to find out more about the ECR Network and its activities as well as get to know a little more about the team behind it. There...
In summer 2024, a stabbing attack in Southport, England, in which three children were killed, triggered riots across the country. These events demand an educational response. Education Secretary...
This BERA ECR Network’s coffee hour will give you the opportunity to find out more about the ECR Network and its activities as well as get to know a little more about the team behind it. There...
The widely cited United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child establishes the importance of children’s rights, including their freedom of expression (article 13). Research and policy...
Continue reading blog postThe research presented in this series of reports was funded by a grant from the Brian Simon fellowship fund. Held in trust by BERA, the fund was a gift from the family of Brian Simon, a leading...
A democratic study of children & their families’ perspectives
On this 2nd ECR Annual Conference we continued to celebrate the ECR journeys and welcomed educational researchers and practitioners to join us in Leeds. This year’s conference was anchored on...
Inspiration for the research A large body of research has been inspired by a line on page 14 of the Teachers’ Standards in England, which requires teachers not to ‘undermin[e] fundamental...
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