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Rebecca Berkley, Dr

Associate Professor in Music Education at University of Reading

Rebecca Berkley is an Associate Professor in Music Education at the University of Reading. Her areas of interest are classroom musicianship, choral education, musical leadership and musical cognition. She is the co-director of the Postgraduate Taught Programmes at the Institute of Education. She teaches music education on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, including Initial Teacher Education, and is a doctoral supervisor. Her current research projects focus on teaching classroom musicianship to general primary teachers, promoting inclusive teacher education for all colleagues. Rebecca is Artistic Director of Universal Voices, a free community choir for children at the University of Reading which she leads with a volunteer team of students.

Rebecca Berkley's contributions

Arts Based Educational Research SIG Webinar Series

Arts Based Educational Research SIG Series provides  will present how Arts Based Educational Research offers a deep exploration of how the arts profoundly impact educational research,...

Event seriesLive event series

‘Learning for All’

BERA is funding six new small grants in 2022/23 under the title “Learning for all”. These grants support projects which examine educational provision in its widest sense that seeks to provide...

Ongoing project