Learning about Race Equality in Education from Scotland
This event supports BERA’s ambitions of addressing racial inequity within the Association and the wider research community. It is important to showcase and learn from the best practices of...
Dr Nighet Riaz is an early careers researcher and associate lecturer in the University of the West of Scotland (UWS). Her research explores how young people and communities can become ‘othered’ fuelled by moral panics to tackle the perceived disaffection of young people and communities who have been identified as ‘at risk’ of social exclusion. Her publications include: ‘Ethnicity, young people and ‘othering.’ ‘It’s like we don’t exist’: transitions from school to nowhere’, in P. Cunningham & N. Fretwell (eds.) Innovative Practice and Research Trends in Identity, Citizenship and Education (2014); Exploring youths’ perceptions of the hidden practice of youth work in increasing social capital with young people considered NEET in Scotland, Journal of Youth Studies (2015); ‘It’s as if you’re not in jail, as if you’re not a prisoner: Young male offenders’ experiences of incarceration, prison chaplaincy, religion and spirituality in Scotland and Denmark in the Howard Journal of Crime and Justice (2016); Accessing the field: methodological difficulties of research in schools in the journal Education in the North (2016); Transitions: Exploring Aspirations of BME Muslim Youth Exiting Compulsory Education in the Journal of Research in Post Compulsory Education (2018); co-author of Critical pedagogy and anti-Muslim racism education: Insights from the UK in Down, B., and Steinberg, S., The SAGE Handbook for Critical Pedagogies, Sage Publishing, UK (in press) and ‘Truth be told…it’s my job and I’m told to do it’: Teachers’ Perspectives on Supporting Young people from black and minority ethnic groups in Glasgow Schools onto Positive Destinations, Scottish Educational Review (accepted for publication May 2020).
This event supports BERA’s ambitions of addressing racial inequity within the Association and the wider research community. It is important to showcase and learn from the best practices of...
Online registration has now closed, please email events@bera.ac.uk to register. #BERA_REE @BERA_ree In advancing opportunities to expand upon discussions of the research work found in BERA...
The structural inequalities faced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities have been deepened by a decade of austerity. We are in the midst of a global pandemic and, following yet further...
Continue reading blog postThe structural inequalities faced by Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities have been deepened by a decade of austerity. We are in the midst of a global pandemic and, following yet another...