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Michèle Vincent, Dr

Lecturer at University of Glasgow

Michèle Vincent is a lecturer in Modern Languages and Education and is the subject lead for Education at the University of Glasgow’s School of Social and Environmental Sustainability. Her background is in linguistics, and she has more than 20 years’ experience teaching French language and linguistics in higher education institutions in the UK and the US. She joined the School of Social and Environmental Sustainability in 2019 and teaches French, Spanish and language policy and pedagogy across both undergraduate and postgraduate initial teacher education routes. Some recent research and scholarship projects she has been working on include motivating students to learn grammar using gamification, supporting foreign language learners with dyslexia, enhancing graduate attributes through experiential learning, and the co-creation of the Pluriversity Podcast. She sits on the Council of Deans of Education’s Modern Languages and Anti-Racism groups.

Michèle Vincent's contributions