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Melissa Jogie, Dr

Director of Research Culture, Impact and Early Career Development at University of Roehampton

Melissa is an Early Career Researcher in Education at the University of Roehampton, leading on an institution-wide initiative to develop a research and knowledge exchange culture and citizenship across staff and postgraduate students. In 2021 she was elected to serve as an Academic Representative on the University Senate. Melissa is also a Director for Advance HE’s Diversifying Leadership Programme which aims to promote a leadership mindset for BAME academic and professional staff across UK Higher Education institutions. She held a Visiting Fellowship at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Comparative and International Education (2015) and completed her PhD on comparative education systems part-time at the Australian National University (2017), while working as a Project and Communications Manager. Melissa is enthusiastic about research-led teaching. In 2020 she was shortlisted for a university-wide Academic Lecturer of the Year award by the Roehampton Students’ Union (RSU). Melissa’s research focuses on education for social wellbeing, which proposes a meta-theory of social activism overarching health education, critical race theory, social welfare, and postcolonial pedagogy. Her theoretical insights have led to recent British Academy and UKRI funding awards (2019-2021), multiple small grants focusing on oral care for young children using gardening techniques (2021-2022), and knowledge exchange projects funded by BIG South London (2021) and the Cathedrals Group (2020).

Melissa Jogie's contributions

College of Reviewers 2022

The BERA College of Reviewers is a group comprised of high quality academic reviewers including practitioners and policy makers who draw on research evidence. Members are drawn from a range of...

News6 Oct 2022