Eco-English: exploring the potential of secondary English to support sustainability and Climate Change Education, and prepare citizens of the future
Call For Abstracts: Submission Deadline 5th of May
Dr Lorna Smith is an associate professor in Education at the University of Bristol. A former Head of English, she has been involved in English initial teacher education (ITE) for 20 years and has led the secondary English PGCE course at Bristol since 2013. Her research focuses on secondary English education policy and practice past and present, particularly English as a humane discipline, creativity within the curriculum, and teacher agency. Lorna is a former chair of the NATE ITE working group and currently co-convenes the BERA English in Education special interest group.
Call For Abstracts: Submission Deadline 5th of May
The Common English Forum’s (CEF) recent Manifesto for English in England (2024) states that subject English is an ‘eco-system’ that stretches from the Early Years and Ks1 to KS5 and beyond....
This English in Education SIG conference responds to the Department for Education strategy for sustainability and climate education which perpetuates disciplinary boundaries by locating...
The Victorian writer, philosopher and critic, John Ruskin, once invited his readers to ‘Commiserate [with] the hapless Board School child, shut out from dreamland and poetry, and prematurely...
Continue reading blog postEvidence suggests that opportunities for students to enjoy talk, reading and writing in the subject of English are increasingly delimited in maintained secondary schools in England. The pressures...
In light of the DfE’s concern for teacher workload, seen through the Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders report, the government’s stated objective of making all schools academies by 2030,...
In light of the DfE’s concern for teacher workload, seen through the Working Lives of Teachers and Leaders report, the government’s stated objective of making all schools academies by 2030,...
Kindly supported by the: The Institute for Research in Education at The University of Bedfordshire and NATE [The National Association for the Teaching of English] This interdisciplinary one-day...