Artful Leadership
Artful Leadership – transforming leadership through playful and artistic thinking and doing Dedicated to research with and by leaders shaping the educational landscape, this webinar emphasises...
Kathleen Pithouse-Morgan is an education professor at the University of Nottingham. Her work inspires educators and other professionals to see themselves as curious, resourceful learners with the power to effect context-appropriate, practitioner-led change. She works with new and experienced professionals in a variety of fields. Self-reflexive methodologies such as self-study, poetic inquiry, memory-work, autoethnography, and narrative inquiry are central to her practice. Kathleen is passionate about arts-inspired inquiry and pedagogy. She works with researchers and educators internationally to foster creativity in research and education. "Memory Mosaics: Researching Teacher Professional Learning Through Artful Memory-Work" is a recent book publication (Pithouse-Morgan, Pillay, & Mitchell, Eds., 2019). Kathleen is the immediate Past Chair of the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP) Special Interest Group (SIG) of the American Educational Research Association.
Artful Leadership – transforming leadership through playful and artistic thinking and doing Dedicated to research with and by leaders shaping the educational landscape, this webinar emphasises...
Creative Advocacy – using arts based education research to engage new audiences and give voice to participants This webinar discusses how the arts can be used to communicate powerful ideas in...
The Creative Educator – How educators use the arts to enrich teaching practices and transform learning environments This webinar introduces arts based education research methodologies and...
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Arts Based Educational Research SIG Series provides will present how Arts Based Educational Research offers a deep exploration of how the arts profoundly impact educational research,...
Arts Based Educational Research (ABER) uses ideas, methods, techniques, and processes from the arts to help understand and improve education.