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Kate Sida-Nicholls, Mrs

Group Director of Professional Development and Research at University Campus Suffolk Ltd

I was an English teacher for eighteen years before I began my role in ITE as the course leader for the secondary programme with Suffolk and Norfolk SCITT (one of the largest SCITTs in the country) for the past nine years. However, in September I start a new role in FE leading on teaching and learning, research, innovation and teacher education across three FE colleges. I am currently three years into my part time PhD with UEA on early career teacher identity and have recently had an article published in the journal Impact, Chartered College about trainee teacher future identity. I have spoken at the TEAN conference this month about my research into trainee future identity and am conducting the final stage of this research with the current cohort of trainees. I am a Founding Fellow for the Chartered College and I am on the assessment board for their Chartered Teacher award that they offer. I am passionate about practitioner research and how it can help teachers to become reflective, informed and more knowledgeable about what is going on in their classroom and in their context. I look forward to working with the SIG promoting Educational Research and Educational Policy Making.