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Judith Pace, Professor

Professor at University of San Francisco

Dr. Judith Pace is a professor in the Master of Arts in Teaching program at the University of San Francisco’s School of Education. Her research examines the connections between democracy education and classroom relationships, teaching, and curriculum, and how these are shaped by social, political, and cultural contexts of schooling and society. Her latest book is Hard Questions: Learning to Teach Controversial Issues. She has also published The Charged Classroom: Predicaments and Possibilities for Democratic Teaching; Classroom Authority: Theory, Research, and Practice; and Educating Democratic Citizens in Troubled Times: Qualitative Studies of Current Efforts. Judy earned her doctorate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education and worked at Harvard Project Zero on promoting project-based curriculum, portfolio assessment, teaching for understanding, and comprehensive school reform. Before that she taught in special education and progressive K-12 settings. Judy is currently involved in professional development efforts in the U.S. and internationally on teaching controversial issues.

Judith Pace's contributions