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Elvis Ortega-Ochoa, Mr

Predoctoral Researcher at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Elvis Ortega-Ochoa is a Doctoral Grant Holder in Education and ICT, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. He is an Erasmus+ Visiting Researcher at Chair of Information Systems and Systems Engineering, University of Kassel. He is a member of European Association of Technology-Enhanced Learning , British Educational Research Association, and International Council of Open and Distance Education. Lastly, he is a member of SmartLearn Research Group, and Research Group in Education and Technology.

Research interests: design of learning experiences, adaptive learning, and educational applications of machine learning and artificial intelligence.

#EmpathicChatbotFeedback #eLearning #PedagogicalConversationalAgents #NaturalLanguageProcessing

Elvis Ortega-Ochoa's contributions