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Elaine Sharpling, Mrs

University of Wales Trinity Saint David

I am currently the Director of Education Research and Enquiry at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. The move to this relatively new position was made after being the Director of Initial Teacher Education which saw the reform of ITE in Wales through an accreditation process, and continues to see the reform of the school-based curriculum. For the past four years I have been the Chair of USCET Cymru, and am the current president of the Teacher Education Advancement Network (TEAN). My research interests lie in determining quality in ITE and I am part -way through my doctoral studies. Previously, I had an enjoyable career in nursing before changing to teaching and have worked in university and school-based provision of ITE with equal passion and enjoyment.

Elaine Sharpling's contributions

Winter 2024/25

Research Intelligence issue 161: Reclaiming teacher education: Opportunities for a research informed & politically engaged profession

Research Intelligence22 Nov 2024