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Chloe Turner, Mx

PhD Researcher and Lecturer at Research Centre

Chloe Turner is a writer and researcher currently completing a PhD with the Centre for Feminist Research, Goldsmiths University of London on transgender disinformation. Turner has held Visiting Research Fellowships at the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy at Columbia University, New York City (2023) and the Chair of Transgender Studies, University of Victoria, B.C. Canada (2025). Turner's writing on transgender studies can be found in the European Journal of Cultural Studies, Culture, Health & Sexuality, The Geographical Journal, Media Theory, The Sociological Review, New Sociological Perspectives and Sonic Scope: New Approaches to Audiovisual Culture. Turner is an Associate Lecturer at Central Saint Martins teaching on transgender rights across media, design and AI futures, an External Advisor to postgraduate projects at the Netherlands Film Institute and is frequently invited to host lectures and seminars internationally on their specialisms.

Chloe Turner's contributions