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Carina Girvan, Dr

Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin

Dr Carina Girvan works at the intersection of education and computer science, focusing on the use of emerging technologies in education. She is interested in the potential of these technologies to transform education, enabling teaching and learning which would not otherwise be possible. Carina has designed 3-dimensional learning experience for young children and adults, collaborated with teachers to explore the use of educational robotics, evaluated the potential of crowdsourcing and her current research is focused on the use of Artificial Intelligence, Learning Analytics, augmented and virtual reality. While much of her research is future focused, other strands of her research include professional learning and 21st century skills in the classroom. Currently a Research Fellow at Trinity College Dublin, Carina was a senior lecturer in Education at Cardiff University, BJET and BERJ co-editor and has been involved in consultancy work for UNICEF.

Carina Girvan's contributions